You’re never going to reach your goals if you’re hiding at the back of a class or stuck in the CV room without a clue about how you're going to get started. We remove the uncertainty.
Whether you’re a beginner or a gym veteran, our industry leading coaching are here to help you make the most of your time by giving you guidance, motivation, accountability and support as part of a focused, personalised training programme.
The 8-Week Transformation is an individually tailored programme designed with you, for you, in order to achieve the greatest results possible in the shortest amount of time.
Based on scientific principles derived from years of research and experience in sports performance, nutritional planning and body composition, we guarantee you amazing results in the short space of just 8 weeks!
We leave nothing to chance. We provide you with intense, yet enjoyable training, a bespoke training and nutrition programme tailored to your needs and goals, education within the principles of training and nutrition so that you can continue your progress once the programme has been completed, supplement recommendations and large discounts with the UK's leading supplement company, 24/7 direct help and support from your personal transformation coach and much more.
We give you everything we can to help you transform your body, we demand that you give your time and effort to your programme, and together we achieve astonishing results that you will be able to retain and improve upon for the rest of your life!
Sign up for your own transformation today and receive the following:
- An initial no-obligation consultation with our team to discuss your goals, needs and plan for the following 8 weeks.
- Access to small-group personal training sessions with your body transformation expert in our private training studio.
- Bespoke nutrition plan tailored to your individual goals and needs.
- Supplement recommendations and explanation.
- Optional blood test analysis for advanced nutritional guidance (must be booked 4 weeks in advance).
- Nutritional audit and management with adjustments and continued adaptation.
- Bespoke training programme suited to your lifestyle and training availability.
- Progress management including body composition testing and measurements.
- 24/7 direct help, guidance and support via personal contact with your transformation coach.
- Exclusive discounts with leading health and fitness companies such as Maximuscle and MuscleFood.
- The support and accountability you need to finally achieve your goals or your money back!

Use the enquiry form below to get in touch and we'll get back to you asap.
A chance to discuss your goals, needs and training options with the team.
Results guaranteed! This is a results driven programme designed
to deliver!
Individual attention and care applied via regular feedback and plan adaptations.
Pay for your 8-week programme in manageable instalments.
Use the mobile app to manage your session schedule, then show up and send it!
The 8-Week Transformation consists of a pre-determined number of small group personal training sessions spread over an 8-week period. Although most clients commit to 3x sessions per week, individual circumstances or experience may deem for less or greater commitment, however, in our experience, 3 sessions per week usually deliver for individuals new to a demanding training and nutritional regime.
As well as personal training sessions, you will also take part in a detailed nutritional consultation, receive a bespoke nutrition plan tailored to your needs and goals as discussed during the consultation, and continued nutritional management throughout the entire 8 weeks, making changes and adjustments as your body adapts to your new regime. This does not mean we will be starving you! Far from it. Most of our clients are shocked at how much they can eat once they have been given their tailored nutritional programme. We believe in sustainable dieting for long-term results. We want to pass on our knowledge and teach you how you can continue a healthy balanced diet and keep achieving results far beyond your programme deadline, we do not want to starve you and then hear about a heavy relapse once the programme has ended, that is not the goal of the 8 Week Transformation.
If you are willing to train more than three times per week, either on your own or with Dan, you can also request a training programme free of charge. This programme will be designed with you, in order to fit into your lifestyle and deliver the results that you want. Many of our clients start off with three sessions per week with a trainer, but soon 'get the bug' and wish to extend their training to four and sometimes five times per week! This is not recommended for individuals new to training, as training is all about adaptation, however, if you have some training experience you may wish to discuss what you can do in your own time, booking extra sessions and developing a bespoke training programme to suit your goals.
During your 8-week challenge, you will also receive 24/7 direct help, guidance and support via personal contact with Dan, your personal transformation coach. We are as dedicated to you as you are to your transformation. We understand that 8 weeks of hard training and dieting can be a daunting and confusing time, made harder by the vast obstacles and land mines within supermarkets, supplement stores, gyms, health clubs and the internet! We eliminate these obstacles by providing consistent support with only your results in mind. You are our priority, not selling products or extra sessions.
By signing up for the 8 Week Transformation you will also receive a 30% discount code with the UK's leading supplement brand, Maximuscle. This kind of offer can not be found on any discount website! We are very lucky to have the support of Maximuscle, who are the official suppliers to the England Rugby squad, Amir Kahn, Jordan Henderson and many more elite athletes, and are one of the few brands who are 'Sport Informed', meaning all Maximuscle products are free from all sports banned substances and can be taken by the UK Armed Services. As a 12-Week transformation customer, these exclusive discounts are extended to you.

We understand that investing your time and money in a coach is a huge decision, which requires research, thought and trust - so please, feel feel to contact us using the form below with any questions you may have regarding your goals and needs, our coaching methods and/or any other questions you may have.
We are always happy to help and eager to discuss your goals with you. We would like you to feel worry-free and confident in your decision before signing up for any of our programmes.